
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Concepts of Social Responsibility Essay Example for Free

Concepts of Social Responsibility Essay Business organizations today are socially and ethically responsible for doing the right thing, exercising good judgment in their business activities with employees, stakeholders, customers and the community. Business organizations emphasis should not only be on profits, but also on how business decisions impact society. Company Q is a small grocery store chain located in a major metropolitan area. This company will be evaluated on its attitude towards social responsibility. Also, recommendations will be given in three areas indicating how the company could improve its position regarding social responsibility. First of all, Company Q’s decision to close stores in high crime areas will have an adverse effect on the communities where they conduct business, leading to disruption and hardship in the lives of many. This definitely demonstrates an irresponsible attitude toward social responsibility. In terms of social responsibility, Company Q could help enrich the lives of families in need by supporting local community centers. Community centers play an important role in addressing the comprehensive needs of individuals and families by providing a wide range of resources that are most needed. Moreover, a responsible business could initiate programs to help disadvantaged youths and adults in the community, build employable works skills and connect them to career opportunities. Without question, the more job opportunities and employability of the citizens in that community the lower the crime rate would be. Finally, if Company Q is to be socially responsible, it must not only be committed to making a profit, but also to the economic development of the community where it does business (Ravindran, N. 2008). Secondarily, Company Q’s reluctance to offer health conscience customers a wide range of organic and healthy foods because the products are considered high margin items, is socially irresponsible and bad for business. A growing number of consumers favor organic foods, claiming that it tastes better and is healthier. Why organic? Organic foods grown naturally in well-balanced soils, ripened by the sun are healthier and tastier than products with synthetic chemicals and growth hormones. Moreover, the growing number of conscience consumers was highlighted in a recent Bursen-Marsteller report; â€Å"people will more likely choose a product that supports a social cause when choosing between otherwise similar products† (Penn, Schoen Berland, 2010). These average consumers daily decisions are slowly but surely being influenced by social concern and responsibility. Finally, the critical issue for Company Q is the social responsibility to its customers, who looks to business to provide them with satisfying, safe products and respect their rights as customer. Lastly, Company Q decides to throw away food products, instead of donating it to the local food bank. Sadly, this behavior demonstrates a concern for profits before people attitude, which is socially irresponsible. Businesses can no longer ignore social issues because a business is a part of our society. For Company Q to become more socially responsible its sole objective must not only be to make a profit. But include concerns and responsibilities to the general welfare of the communities and societies in which they operate. Moreover, businesses should simply want to make their communities better places for everyone to live and work. The most common way that businesses exercise their community responsibility is through donations to local and national charitable organizations. Doing simple things like contributing to local food banks, may not be enough to change the world for everyone, but does alleviate some of social ills that abound in local communities.

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