
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Leadership Style Essay

Effective leadership is contingent on matching a leader’s style to a setting that fits (Northouse, 2007). According to Fiedler’s Contingency Theory, leadership styles are operationalized primarily on two ends of a spectrum, they are characterized as task motivated, or relationship motivated (Northouse, 2007). I believe in the adage that practice makes perfect. In this paper, I will look into an alternative way for leaders to lead when they find themselves situated in an unfavorable situation. In the case of leadership; an administrator, manager, or supervisor should use a reflective mindful praxis to improve their ability to make decisions that will achieve optimal outcomes from the organizations they lead in all situations, especially unfavorable ones. Fiedler’s research demonstrates, in essence, if you don’t fit the team mold, you are unfit to lead the team. The contingency model asserts that leadership styles can be gauged by the Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) scale. This model posits leadership styles on a spectrum ranging from task motivated, low LPC, or relationship motivated, high LPC. The contingency aspect ties the leadership styles to situational variables of the organization. The situational variables include leader-member relations, task structure and positional power (Northouse, 2007). Leader-member relations are characterized as good or poor depending on feelings found in the group atmosphere, relationships and trust. Although there is no scale for the task structure, the situational variable in the model, there is a clear definition of the term. The variable is operationalized by high structure and low structure. Position power is characterized by the authority a leader has to deliver the proverbial carrot or the stick, i. e. rewards and punishments (Northouse, 2007). Fiedler has an understanding of why leaders in the wrong setting are ineffective (Northouse, 2007). The correlation between the leader’s LPC score and the group or organization’s performance depended (or was contingent) on the degree to which the leadership situation was â€Å"favorable†(Fiedler, 1995). A leader in an uncomfortable and unfitting situation experiences stress and anxiety (Northouse, 2007). A leader under stress is likely to exhibit inappropriate behaviors and revert to less mature ways of coping that were learned in early development (Northouse, 2007). The leader’s less appropriate behaviors and decisions result in negative work outcomes (Northouse, 2007). This may be true in most situations; however, with our proposed alternative model, the M Model (M2), leaders can be taught how to transform their leadership style so that it transforms poor situations into good situations with successful outcomes. Hackman and Wagemann (2007) believe it is essential that we understand how to help leaders learn. Leaders can become even more effective if they are able to learn from their experience, both successes and failures without assigning cause to something or someone out of their control (Hackman and Wagemann, 2007). The M2 posits a leader learning strategy grounded in metacognition and mindfulness. Cognitive psychologists use the term metacognition to describe our ability to assess our own skills, knowledge, or learning (Lang, 2012). Chew describes metacognition as a person’s awareness of his or her own level of knowledge and thought processes (Lang, 2012). As stated by Kruger and Dunning, â€Å"those with limited knowledge in a domain suffer a dual burden: Not only do they reach mistaken conclusions and make regrettable errors, but their incompetence robs them of the ability to realize it† (Krugger, Dunning, 1999). The M2 way is to practice metacognition as it relates to leadership skills and behaviors. M2 practitioners develop a practical understanding of their leadership abilities in various settings and they use their metacognitive awareness to improve their leadership skills in various situations. The other half of the M2 way is for the leader to be fully aware of their actions and the likely outcomes. This strategy is met by improving one’s mindfulness. Put simply, mindfulness practice is being aware of what is, what is happening now in the present moment (Bing, 2012). Goldman (2010) uses a definition of mindfulness from Rinchen in 2001. Rinchen’s definition of mindfulness situated in the leadership context is: â€Å"ridding ourselves of negative mental states and fostering and developing constructive ones† (Goldman, 2010). Mindfulness has shown to be effective in improving one’s performance in stressful situations (Kabat-Zinn, 1990). Therefore, the M2 strategy is to teach the leader to be aware of their actions in the moment and this is accomplished vis a vis a practice of mindfulness. We postulate this mindful awareness will allow the M2 leader to make better choices in whatever situation they find themselves in. The keystone of the M Model (M2) is reflective leadership praxis. Praxis is the practice of an art or craft, such as leading (Bing Dictionary, 2012). Through reflection leaders analyze various leadership concepts, evaluate their experiences, and develop their personal leadership theory (Astin, 2000). Reflection provides leaders with the opportunity to examine and question and develop beliefs and values. It involves observation, questioning, and putting facts, ideas, and experiences together to construct new meaning and wisdom (UNK). Yukl (2008) finds that effective leaders are flexible and adaptive. We expect the M2 method combining metacognition, mindfulness and reflective practice will develop effective leaders. The proper place to begin is often at the beginning. The M2 solution posits that the leader must not only know themselves, but also their organization. With that knowledge of themselves and their organization applied to the contingency theory we can propose a solution to Fiedler’s catch 22 that a leader in a poor situation is doomed. The M2 solution begins at the point when a leader finds herself in a poor situation. The M2 leader knows her strengths, LPC score and other relevant situational and organizational information. She is taught to assess the organization thoroughly based on the situational variables. The assessment leads to the realization she is in the wrong situation and with M2 skills this discovery is made sooner than later. Knowing she is in the wrong situation the leader can take action to alleviate the stress that, Fiedler suggested, leads to poor decision making. Upon realizing she is in the poor and stressed situation the M2 leader will apply her reflective leadership practices for optimal outcomes. This is a set of practices that include development of the weekly or daily habit of reflecting upon actions taken and the results of those actions. The reflection will include a commitment to ongoing and summative written reflection and regular discussion with their M2 coach (Mabry, 1998). This reflection will lead the M2 leader to be more aware of her actions in the moment. This awareness will allow for a clearer understanding of a predictable result. Awareness in the moment will allow the M2 leader to choose a more appropriate action for the situation. This fits with the situational approached developed by Hersey and Blanchard. The premise of situational leadership is that an effective leader will be flexible and adapt to the situation (Northouse, 2007). The M2 hypothesizes that reflective praxis and mindful action will lead to improved organizational outcomes. Although Fiedler’s contingency theory has not always been collaborated by other research, it works. Our preliminary analysis predicts that the reflective leadership praxis of M2 will enhance the skills of the leader that finds herself in a favorable or unfavorable situation. The M2 practitioner in an unfavorable situation will not suffer the consequences of stress related poor decision-making. The M2 practitioner will be able to make choices that result in optimal outcomes not only for the organization but also for the people she leads.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Macroeconomics in US

US Economy is a mixed economy where the private sector plays a major role in economic activity and the role of government is minimal compared to other industrialized countries like Great Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Scandinavian Countries and East European countries. However after the Great depression in1930’s the government at least used monetary and fiscal policy to achieve the macroeconomic objectives of full-employment, price stability External balance and non-inflationary economic growth. However the reliance on the above macroeconomic policy varied from one administration to the next after world war II as well the orientation towards fiscal and monetary policy to control or stabilize the economy or in other words there is controversy among economist whether the fiscal and monetary policy will actually work in practice and to the extent to its effectiveness in stabilizing the economy or whether these policies may be counter productive to the market economies and the causes of economic cycles and explanation of the causes of the great depression at least among US economist or among economist in general. However even with these controversies and differing perspectives how the economic variables relate and the differing confidence of market mechanisms to come to equilibrium at full employment if the market is allowed to work without any interference the monetary authorities intervene in the economy to correct market failure and other externalities or for some political and welfare reasons. In this context it is necessary to consider the effectiveness of these policies in the context of empirical evidence and give due  consideration of the structural or institutional framework and the market conditions particularly the labor market conditions in US in goods markets as well as in the financial market structure and workings within the context of global economic interdependencies between economies in the contemporary economic climate as well as how the agents react or form expectation about inflation as well as the political imperatives influencing policy orientation in US. In macroeconomic policy development in the context of the US political institutional structure and political process as well as the probability of economic shocks and political shocks in other parts and how these affects the occurrence of   volatility in economic performance and the current concerns of environmental issues and the cost and benefits and the impact of regulation on the level of economic activity and the rate of economic growth fluctuation and its predictability or uncertainty in forecasting economic outlook for short, medium term . As well the cost of oil and the political instability in the middle east and how the energy issue is addressed in US by the market mechanism will definitely affect the economic performance in a macroeconomic perspective for US in the future and the importance or other wise of macroeconomic policies or the status of macroeconomics in general as opposed to neoclassical economics or microeconomics foundation or neoclassical monetarist perspectives and less preference to fiscal policies and micro economic reform or supply-side economics and minimal interference by government in the market operation. The effectiveness of Fiscal and Monetary policy in US In context of US economic system and the flexibility of markets to responds to changes in demand and supply and other economic information particularly the labor market flexibility in the US compared to other industrialized countries and historically less preference of economic agents for government to be interfere in the market and in its political institutions suggests that rational expectation theory may be mostly applicable to US and there fore the effectiveness of Fiscal and monetary policy may be less effective in US compared to other industrialized countries and microeconomic reform polices and neoclassical monetary theory may be most applicable in the US context. However the expectation formation in reality is not completely rational and adaptation may also be not rational completely and there fore at least in short term monetary policy may be effective in controlling the rate of inflation in the context of US economy and keep the inflation target at optimum level. In practice the monetary and fiscal policy has time lag to work in practice and there fore if they are used to stabilize the economy because of the time lag it takes to work it may increase the cyclical boom bust pattern of economic development and there fore loose its credibility particularly the discretionary fiscal and monetary policy in reducing unemployment or controlling inflation. Or it may be achieving low unemployment at a very high rate of inflation or low inflation at a high level of  unemployment in the short term and in long term the economy will move towards the original level because of the market incorporates all expectation rationally and moves to  the non-accelerated Inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU) as well flexibility in the labor market to a greater extent because of less stringent regulation of labor market in US compared to say for example Germany or other advanced European economies. However fiscal, and monetary policy has worked in short term in context of high unemployment at least after the great depression for some time in the 1990’s and still has a role to play at least to control inflation and response to inflationary shocks by monetary policy. In summary given the empirical evidence and the market characteristics of US and the Institutional frame work politically and socially the macroeconomic polices effectiveness suggests in practice to be less effective in US context. Conclusion As discussed above in US Macroeconomics is considered at least in terms of its usefulness to some extent achieve its macroeconomic objectives. However the effectiveness of such policies and the controversy among economists in regards to trade –off between economic variables and its relationships in US context reduces its importance and move towards to microeconomic foundations of Says Low or neo macroeconomic foundations and far from Keynesian Economics of fiscal policy particularly the discretionary fiscal policy and deficit financing to reduce unemployment because of market failure. This to some extent due to Friedman monetary revolution in US and  cased doubt about the inflationary outcomes of fiscal policy and crowding out effect and its impact on interest rat and its effect on investment level and there fore not increasing output and employment level but on prices. In addition as discussed above due to the political institutional structure and expectation formation in US the macroeconomic  foundations are contentious in US. In addition the flexibility of labor market and other markets in US suggests that market may work in an opposite direction to nullify the impact of these policies on macro economic variables such as employment level and inflation and increases the adoption of microeconomic reform and supply-side economics to address economic growth, unemployment, price stability and external balance rather than only relying on macroeconomic policies and macroeconomic theories which has many controversies and diverse policy prescriptions to address any macroeconomic objective and the trade-off between these objectives and the relationships between economic variables. Given the macroeconomic knowledge how an economy works is incomplete and its predicts are far from certain. There foe given the arguments and the discussion it can be said macroeconomics in US has a role to play in formulating polices in the future however given the practical issues of macroeconomic policy effectiveness micro foundations of economy may become important in the future in context of US market conditions and flexibility as well as how expectations are formed and adaptations of expectations in practice and political institutional and political orientation towards a free market perspective. Bibliography Brayton. F, Mauskpf. E, Reifschneider. D, Tinsley. P, Williams. J. (1997). The Role of Expectations in FRB/US macroeconomic model. Federal Reserve Bulletin. Retrieved March, 2, 2007, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m4126/is_n4_v83/ai_19405190 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. (1997). What is the Optimal Rate of Inflation?. Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Reteived march 2, 2007, from http://www.frbsf.org/econrsrch/wklyltr/el97-27.html Fiscal and monetary policy – comparisons (n.d). Retrieved March 2, 2007, from http://www.tutor2u.net/economics/content/topics/fiscalpolicy/fiscal_monetary_comparison.htm Palley. T. (1998). Zero is not the Optimal rate of Inflation. Challenge, 41, 1, Retrieved March 2, 2007, from http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5001329648 Roach.S. (2006). Global economy, Chinese economic policy, US hosing slump, Money Week. Retrieved March 2, 2007, from http://www.moneyweek.com/file/21503/the-two-key-issues-facing-the-global-economy.html                           

Monday, July 29, 2019

Insanity and Diminished Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Insanity and Diminished Responsibility - Essay Example abnormality of the mind ( R v Byrne ); drug personality disorder (Celebici Trial); involuntary intoxication ( R v Galbraith) ; mental weakness and low intelligence ( Lord Dea's decision ) ; minority ( R v Raven ); physical deformities such as blindness and being a deaf-mute ( R v Pritchard). In the treatise "Partial Defences To Murder" more mitigating factors are added i.e. sufficient provocation by the offended party ( R v Smith ); immediate vindication of a grave offence to himself or his relatives (Table 7); Incomplete self-defence where there is no reasonable necessity of the means employed by the culprit (R v Martin); passion or obfuscation (Case 113); disease or injury (Note 17); jealousy, mercy killing, depression, relationship of victim to the accused (Table 7). The list goes on and on. Insanity is a plea or defence by which the accused at the time of the commission of the act, "was laboring under such a defect of reason, arising from a disease of the mind, as not to know the nature and quality of the act he was doing or, if he did know it, that he did not know that what he was doing was wrong (The M'Naghten Rules). Insanity totally exempts the culprit from criminal liability unless he does it during a lucid interval. If so, he is wholly liable for the crime unless there are mitigating factors attending the crime. Diminished Respons... 2 Diminished Responsibility is defined as a plea or defence in which the accused at the moment of the commission of the crime suffers from some "form of mental unsoundness or mental aberration or weakness of mind", so much so that his "mind is so affected that responsibility is diminished from full responsibility to partial responsibility" ( HM Advocate v Savage). Comparison and Contrast 1. Both insanity and diminished responsibility are mental states. In insanity, there is a mental disorder or a mental disease which causes the deranged person to be deprived completely of reason, discernment or freedom of the will at the time of the commission of the crime. In insanity, there is an absence in the agent of crime of any of all the conditions that would make an act voluntary. On the other hand, in diminished responsibility, there is a mental debility or aberration of the mind or a temporary mental capacity or a temporary mental impairment (Scottish Law Commission 2). Here, there is some degree of reason, discernment or freedom of the will albeit such is beclouded and weakened by the presence of any of the mitigating factors hereinabove mentioned. 2. Insanity totally exempts the offender from criminal liability because the insane person is totally deprived , at the time of the performance of the crime, of discernment or reason or intelligence and is unable to distinguish between right or wrong. In diminished responsibility, as a rule, there is no exemption from criminal liability but there is instead a mitigation or extenuation of criminal responsibility

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Should Barack Obama Be Re-elected Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Should Barack Obama Be Re-elected - Essay Example Being president is not a matter of mindset or appearances, it is a matter of doing the work that the job requires and being successful at it. As voters, it is our job to make sure that we analyze the accomplishments and shortcomings of each candidate up for the most important political position in our country. We have to get past their spin doctors and their campaign managers in order to get a true idea of whether casting a vote for this particular candidate will be beneficial to all or not at all. In the case of re electionist Barack Obama, we need to go over his accomplishments and failures with a fine tooth comb. Mr. Porter continues to enforce his belief about the Obama re election by mentioning that it also hinges on the improvement of the economy, lowering unemployment, and succeeding in Libya. Let's have a look at the facts covering these matters as we have them at the moment. The first topic on this list is the economy. Obama promised to lower inflation and control the defici t spending while he was campaigning for office. Since he has assumed office, our national debt has surpassed the fifteen trillion mark and continues to grow on a daily basis. As a borrowing country, we nearly defaulted on our debt payment because of the cruel game of politics. Our deficit spending has grown as he continues to come up with ways and means to keep spending money that the tax payers cannot provide and the country simply does not have. He promised to limit government spending but instead he ended up growing the government by leaps and bounds by forcing his healthcare plan into law and creating 68 new government departments / positions instead. So far, he has not done anything fiscally to fulfill his promise of saving money and spending wisely for the benefit of the people. I know that others will say that turning the economy around will take time and he can;t be blamed for something that he just inherited. But my argument to that defense is that Obama wanted the position . He got it. He knew what he was getting into. Now he has to fix the mess and stop looking for a scapegoat. Until I see my money growing in the bank again and my loan interests lowered, there is no way I can say he is actually fulfilling his campaign promise. While the Democrats, of whom he is the current leader, and the Republicans battled it out for supremacy while negotiating our debt payment obligations, Barack Obama steered clear of the issue and let the two parties sort things out for themselves. He refused to take on a leadership role at that time and instead, allowed the parties to bicker and act stubbornly, all the while with our national economy on the line. That to me is not the trademark of a man who knows how to lead. Instead, that looked like a man who did not know his job requirements and how to get things done in a timely manner. I don't know about you but seeing Vice President Biden in China, assuring them that we will not default on our debt payment to them left a very bad taste in the mouth. I miss those days when we were the ones lending money to China because we were the top dog nation at the time. Now I have to admit that those days are gone and will never come back because Barack Obama is busy making sure that any economic program presented to him will fail to gain approval from those concerned. For all

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ask week4 m6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ask week4 m6 - Essay Example Appreciative inquiry is another modality that helps the researchers solves their problems. According to Raelin (2009), the main aim of this modality to focus on what already works in the system. In what ways is this knowledge important to you as a researcher? Clinical inquiry also forms the list of modalities used in action plan projects. Its major role is to consult in order to experience and reflect on insights that would help in making informed decisions (Raelin 2009). How is this helpful in research work? Co-operative inquiry also falls under the category of these modalities. It encourages working together on a project (Raelin 2009). What are the multiple stages that require co-operation in your research? Who are the key players in these stages? Some people may opt to disregard action plan modalities in their action plan projects. What are some of the consequences that may befall them and their research? How different would it be with you by using the modalities? Your solution selling dilemma may be solved by use of action plan research. However, according to Coghlan and Brannick (2010) there are various research action modalities that can be used in your research. Which are these modalities? As you initiate the inquiry, it is important to set up a platform on which your plan would be laid on. However, there are various ways through which such a plan can be introduced to your participants (Greenwood and Levin 2007). What are some of the consideration that you need to have while setting the platform? How would the mode of presenting your plan impact the process? As a sales leader, what are some of the qualities and characteristics would you require in order to facilitate your discussion with your participants? How would these traits and qualities help in facilitating your project? In the effort to finding the solution in the solution selling cycle, it is apparent that apart from cooperative enquiry, your research may require

Personal Brand (i.e. a human being) Research Paper

Personal Brand (i.e. a human being) - Research Paper Example It is for this very reason; it is more difficult to manage personal brands as compared to products or services associated brands (Vitberg, 2010). Oprah Winfrey happens to be the single largest one-woman personal brand in the world (Haig, 2011). This is because the brand Oprah is associated with specific personality traits and the mass perception of the brand Oprah has been managed till date with apt astuteness, finesse and dexterity (Haig, 2011). As a result, Oprah commands a very high mass popularity and many of the leading brands in the world aspire to associate with brand Oprah to leverage their net brand appeal. Table of Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................... 2 1.0 Introduction .................................................................................................... 4 2.0 SWOT Analysis of Brand Oprah ................................................................. 4 2.1 Strengths ......... ............................................................................................ 4 2.2 Weaknesses .................................................................................................. ... ........................................................................................................... 9 1.0 Introduction It is a matter of public knowledge that not only Oprah Winfrey happens to be the largest one-woman brand in the world, but also that the leading brands in the world aspire to associate with this top notch personal brand (Haig, 2011, p. 131). The appeal of brand Oprah is such that it has not only revolutionized and redefined the history of television, but has indeed been successful in configuring a successful commercial empire around the attributes and mass appeal of the name Oprah (Haig, 2011, p. 131). In that context, brand Oprah is associated with a Midas touch. The mere association of a product or service with the name Oprah is just enough to make it a public rage. For instance a slight association of the brand Oprah with Spanx not only helped this little known under-garments brand evolve into a lead seller, but also helped it accrue a net annual turnover of ?220 million (Stylist, 2013). The mere mention of the brand Kindle at the Oprah show was enough to make people run for buying a piece of this gadget (Stylist, 2013). The book recommendations made by Oprah Book Club are a guarantee to make a publication an international best seller in a matter of days (Stylist, 2013). Thereby, it goes without saying that commercially speaking, brand Oprah commands an immense brand value and appeal (Haig, 2011, p. 132). However, the thing that needs to be understood is that brand Oprah commands such a successful consumer appeal owing to certain specific brand strategies, which not only make the brand Oprah soar over the social limitations ascribed to race, ethnicity and social status, but make it a name closely associated with reliability,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Health Care Reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Health Care Reform - Research Paper Example It was in this context that new health care reforms were introduced. These reforms have given America's people, lots of rights and benefits regarding their health options but also have brought in some inconveniences along with that. The need for reforms Ten years back, around 45 million Americans were still outside insurance coverage (Garson). Kronenfeld and Kronenfeld have observed that â€Å"health care reform, or modification of the US health care system so that affordable, high-quality health care services are available to every one, is a public policy issue that has received discussion in the United States off an on since World War II† (1). One major criticism that arose from the period of George Bush’s Presidentship was that, â€Å"once the events of September 11, 2011, and the war with Iraq in 2003 led to a greater focus on international concerns and terrorism, the prominence of health care issues became fairly low† (Kronenfeld and Kronenfeld, 1). It was i n this backdrop that public demand arose for a health care reform. The 'Acts' The health reforms comprise of two bills (The Economist). Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act became was introduced and adopted in March 2010 (Healthcare.gov). The second has been a â€Å"reconciliation† act which was added to the reform package to compensate some of the pitfalls in the initial act (The Economist). This reform has been termed as the â€Å"biggest reform of health care in the country for 40 years† (BBC). This reform has also been hailed as an act to end â€Å"some of the worst abuses of the insurance industry† (Healthcare.gov). The government sponsored web site, Healthcare.gov, has also described this act in terms of its benefits to the citizens in the following words: These reforms will give Americans new rights and benefits, including helping more children get health coverage, ending lifetime and most annual limits on care, and giving patients access to reco mmended preventive services without cost-sharing. These reforms will apply to all new health plans, and to many existing health plans as they are renewed. Many other new benefits of the law have already taken effect, including rebate checks for seniors in the Medicare donut hole and tax credits for small businesses. Advantages This new law has also extended â€Å"the life of the Medicare Trust fund at least 12 years† thereby benefiting the senior citizens (Healthcare.gov). This is supposed to be brought about by â€Å"reducing waste, fraud and abuse, and slowing cost growth in Medicare† (Healthcare.gov). The expectation is that, â€Å"this will provide [the beneficiaries][†¦] with future cost savings on [†¦] premiums and coinsurance† (Healthcare.gov). One ambitious declaration made by President Barek Obama has been that medicare fraud will be reduced by â€Å"50 percent by 2012† (Healthcare.gov). Another major feature of this act has been that i t, â€Å"starting in 2014, the Affordable Care Act offers additional protections for Medicare Advantage Plan members by taking strong steps that limit the amount these plans spend on administrative costs, insurance company profits, and things other than health care†

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Medieval Spanish Literature. Topic Proposal. Annotated Biblio Research Paper

Medieval Spanish Literature. Topic Proposal. Annotated Biblio - Research Paper Example Since women were looked down upon in Medieval Spain as their lives having less value than men, it is interesting how Estrella Tabera reverses the societal expectation of her to be only a lady of the night—and how she ends up garnering power, wealth, and prestige with the paramour of Sancho IV pursuing her in the play, and Philip IV pursuing Francisca de Tabara in real life. It is no surprise, then, that Estrella Tabera, being a sort of outcast in Medieval Spain, is able to reimagine the role of seductress and have a revolutionary leitmotif for women everywhere. II. Thesis (50 words) It is thought that, how we know and based on what we know of The Star of Seville, that: Philip IV is represented by the fictional character Sancho IV; Francisca de Tabara is represented by the fictional character Estrella Tabera; and that Villamediana is represented by the fictional character Busto. III. Annotated Bibliography (500 words) Source Citation: De Armas, Frederick Alfred. Heavenly Bodies : The Realms of La Estrella de Sevilla. US: Bucknell University Press, 1996. ... (100 words) Contributors: Frederick A. De Armas Last Edited: 1996 Source Citation: Magill, Frank N., et. al. Masterplots. US: Salem Press, 1996. Summary: In Masterplots, Magill and Mazzano masterfully work through the cast of main characters in The Star of Seville and parse each character’s importance in the play. They analyze the plot of the The Star of Seville and talk about how the play is relevant not only for today’s audiences, but also how The Star of Seville will always be a relevant play for Medieval Spanish literature in the future. Masterplots seeks to chart a course for the reader, taking the reader on a tour through the play’s highs and lows as it tries to evaluate, simply, the play’s overall effectiveness. (100 words) Contributors: Frank Northen Magill, Laurence W. Mazzano Last Edited: 1996 Source Citation: McKendrick, Melveena. Playing the King: Lope de Vega and the Limits of Conformity. US: Boydell and Brewer Ltd., 2000. Summary: This book c ritically evaluates Lope de Vega’s works, and his delicate dance of openly criticizing the Spanish throne during Medieval times. McKendrick weaves a masterful tale of Lope de Vega’s struggle to temper subversiveness with cleverness, and use political themes overtly—but in a manner that cannot be immediately detected by the untrained eye. Lope de Vega fools the reader into thinking that he or she is reading a play about some fictional characters—when actually his characters stand for allegorical allusions to what is really going on in Medieval Spain, and we see his characters lived out in real-time. (100 words) Contributors: Melveena McKendrick Last Edited: 2000 Source Citation: Anonymous. The

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Journal - Essay Example As an initial matter, being in a multiple mixed-culture country exposes one to a variety of ideas and perspectives. This is because there are layers upon layers of cultural variants. You cannot even speak of Korean-Americans as a totally homogenous group because there are different generations of Korean-Americans. For example, a second generation Korean American is likely to view Korean and American values and traditions differently than a second-generation Korean American. You may ask questions about the Korean War or the current conflict between North Korea and South Korea and receive different answers or different philosophical or theoretical approached to the issue being discussed. Some Americans may not even know about the Korean conflict; in the culturally mixed context, however, there are always some people with knowledge or first hand experience. In America, for example, there are former Russians from the Soviet Union, there are Vietnamese who were military leaders during the war, there are Jews who survived the Holocaust, and there are people with nearly every conceivable experience in our world. In a very real way, by having such a diverse population, it is very much like having a human encyclopedia within America's national boundaries. There is an additional benefit not offered in culturally homogenous countries; more specifically, people can actually immerse themselves in different cultural settings and traditions without having to travel abroad. In America, for example, there are many parts of the country where certain cultural traditions have manifested themselves physically in the form of towns or regions. In San Francisco, you can visit Chinatown or Little Italy. In Los Angeles there is an officially recognized Thai Town. All over the country there are places where cultural traditions are proudly displayed. A person wishing to experience some of the Chinese culture, for instance, does not necessarily need to fly to China. You can visit a Chinatown, whether in San Francisco or New York, and have a similar experience. Many of the people will be speaking Chinese, shops are operated in much the same way as in China, and the Chinese language and symbols are to be seen everywhere. There was a famous Hollywood movie, the title which I cannot recall, where a Chinese-American told a policeman "this is not Brooklyn. This is not even New York. This is Chinatown." The point is that the multiple mixed-race countries offer people to immerse themselves to some extant and therefore learn about and from other cultures. One weekend might be celebrating the Chinese New Year and another spent experiencing a traditional Catholic mass in Little Italy. It is very much like having many countries in one. Finally, it is fascinating to observe and learn how people from different backgrounds, be they racial or religious, can co-exist in furtherance of a common good. It would be inaccurate to suggest that all races co-exist harmoniously. This is simply not the case; nonetheless, it is amazing to see how well the majority of people get along well

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Global marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Global marketing - Essay Example Foreign direct investment is simply direct investments across national boundaries† (Dicken, 2007, p.36). Earlier, countries were bit reluctant in welcoming foreign direct investment because of the concerns about the negative impacts upon domestic firms caused by the intrusion of foreign firms. However, world has realised that these concerns are nothing in front of the huge benefits and advantages brought by foreign direct investment. It should be noted that communist China is the number one exploiter of globalization and foreign direct investments at presents. In other words, China has no hesitation in allowing foreign companies to function in its soil now. In short, global marketing has gained lot of relevance and importance in the heavily globalized world at present. Even though globalization is believed to be the brain child of capitalist countries such as America and UK, it is fact that these countries failed to exploit the opportunities of it properly. For example, recent recession affected UK immensely. At the same time Asian countries such as India, China, Japan and Korea escaped from the negative effect if recession. This is because of the fact that these countries exploited globalization to their advantages. It should be noted that Indian automobile manufacturer TATA has recently acquired prestigious British automobile manufacturers such as Jaguar and Land Rover. Even then, many prominent British companies are currently working in overseas countries. For example, British telecommunication giant, Vodafone is one of the major telecommunications company in India now. In short British companies have lot of opportunities in overseas market. Established in 1995 in Dorset, England by Dutch millionaire Klaas Zwart, Ascari Cars is one of the major automobile manufacturers in Britain now. Even though Ascari is more interested in the making of sports cars, it is making luxurious passenger cars also. Even though many of the British cars manufacturers have al ready established business units in India, Ascari failed to do so until now. This paper analyses the opportunities of Ascari Cars in Indian market. Reason for choosing Ascari cars   â€Å"Ascari cars† is one of the most rapidly growing British companies now. Even though it was established only in 1995, it has already succeeded in informing its presence in the market. â€Å"Ascari cars is a medium sized organization. Many people have the illusion that only prominent or huge organizations might be able to establish business units in overseas countries as part of their global marketing strategies. However, it is already proved that the size of the company is irrelevant as far as the success and failures of global marketing are concerned. â€Å"In 2006 the Ascari KZ1-R was built to compete in GT championships around the world with ultimately scooping the British GT Championship in 2009†(Ascari race resort, n.d.). Until recent times, car racing was not a popular sport in India. However, recent statistics shows that the interests of Indian people in formula one competitions or car racing is slowly increasing. In others words, Indians started to love sports cars in recent times. So, the opportunities for Ascari in Indian market are tremendous. Even though call for energy efficient or

Monday, July 22, 2019

Coca-Cola Essay Example for Free

Coca-Cola Essay Coke has been the leader in the soft drink industry for decades. Coke has a strong customer loyalty base, while appealing to new customers through effective marketing. In recent years, the soft drink industry has changed with consumers becoming more health conscious. With the consumer market changing, soft drink sales have dropped and the demand for healthy drinks are in demand. To be able to make up the difference of the drop in sales, Coca-Cola needed to come up with some innovative new products and marketing strategies that would appeal to a new market of the beverage industry. In the last decade, PepsiCo. has gained leverage on Coca-Cola, because Pepsi made beverages that appealed to the changing consumer market. In two thousand-four, Pepsi owned fifty-two point three percent of the market in China after Coke produced a plant there (SinoCast, 2004). Coca-Cola has faced struggles in the past decade due to the lack of effective marketing and new product development. The individuals that were making the decisions for Coca-Cola were focusing on their best seller Coke and Diet Coke, and discovered that two products were not enough to keep the corporation running. When using the PESTEL analysis, the first key component is to do an environmental scan (Finch, 2012). PESTEL is an acronym known as the six environmental factors which are the framework (Finch, 2012). The six environmental factors are political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal (Finch, 2012). The PESTEL analysis is based upon understanding forces and trends and can pertain to any given industry (Finch, 2012). Coca-Cola did not do any environmental scan, and solely relied upon the traditional beverages and marketing that Coca-Cola had always used. oke 2. PepsiCo not only began to distribute health conscious beverages, such as juices, teas, coffees, and water they also began distributing snack foods. PepsiCo has even implemented a relationship with schools which incorporates responsible advertising practices, like offering healthy foods and beverages. PepsiCo also became a member of the International Food Beverage Alliance, which has to be met by certain stand ards in food and beverage distribution. The proper execution of the PESTEL analysis is a tool that would give PepsiCo an advantage as it delves in market penetration, market development, and product development. The PESTEL analysis would confirm market trends, and internal and external factors, which would allow the organization to do more specific research and create the ability to make adjustments in order to reflect a gain in the industry. The PESTEL analysis is the answer as to how PepsiCo had the ability to act on a changing market and fully benefit from the changing market. A decade ago Coca-Cola began its struggle in the beverage industry, when reality hit Coca-Cola made adjustments, offered new products and adapted to the market. Five years from now, Coca-Cola has to remain competitive by changing with the market, and producing products that appeal to the current consumer interest. Not only will Coca-Cola have to be creative with products, marketing is also another challenge. Marketing has changed with technological advances, today marketing is more than a television commercial, or a billboard there are now various channels and strategies in hich to reach and appeal to consumers. Coca-Cola is known for sticking to traditional marketing and product, which has eventually put them behind their competitor. Technology is utilized in many different forms and will continue to increase as technology is an ever changing industry. Technology is a tool that should be utilized it can be cost effective and reach a new market segment. The weakness of the beverage industry is that consumers continue to become more health conscious, even down to the ingredients that make the food or beverage they are consuming. There have been studies done that lead researchers to believe that aspartame causes cancer. There are studies that lead researchers to believe that Splenda in large and prolonged quantities can also lead to cancer. These ingredients are commonly used in different types of beverages that are distributed by various companies. With the recent studies of various ingredients, the government controls food and beverage production which also means that everything has to be made public knowledge (on a label). The strengths are that of which Coca-Cola has the ability to produce beverages that appeal to the health conscious consumer. The investment into new products will allow Coca-Cola to remain competitive and appeal to new consumers as well. Along with new beverages, Coca-Cola should also explore new avenues in to growing markets and invest in them. With the financial power that Coca-Cola the investment to tap into new frontiers. There are many opportunities for growth given that marketing and product development are the focus of the future of the company. oke 4. The future of Coca-Cola relies upon the decision to continually evaluate the six major factors into success and future success of any business. Frequent environmental scanning is necessary to execute the analysis of how and what changes need to be made. With the constant adjustments to product development and marketing strategies in place to accompany the changing times, it enables the best utilizations of products and marketing.

Caring for populations Essay Example for Free

Caring for populations Essay Introduction A community health nurse must be effective in targeting the population as a whole. The nurse will determine the needs for the community by using the data compiled from a windshield survey. As stated in the text, â€Å"A population focus also involves a scientific approach to community health nursing: an assessment of the community or population is necessary and basic to planning, intervention, and evaluation for the individual, family, aggregate, and population levels† (Nies McEwen, 2011). The purpose of this paper is to establish a priority health problem of the community of Harlingen, based on demographic, epidemiological data and a windshield survey of the area. Community The community assessment for this project is Harlingen, Texas. According to the 2010 United States Census Bureau, its population is about 64,918 of which 47.8% are male and 52.2% are female. The density is approximately 1629.1 residents per square mile. The racial makeup is 1.0% Black or African American, 79.5% Hispanic or Latino, 18.0% White, 1.9% from two or more races, 1.3% Asian, 0.1% Native American. The median household income, 2008-2012 was $34,096 in Harlingen, compared to $51,563 in the state of Texas. The percentage of persons below poverty level from 2008-2012 was 33.2% in Harlingen, compared to 17.4% in Texas. The city of Harlingen is in the center of the Rio Grande Valley. It is a community which has a transient population of â€Å"Winter Texans.† These Winter Texans are generally retirees from the northern states, who come to the warmer climates to escape  the winter weather of their home states, usually between November and March. Harlingen has one mall, two medical hospitals and one mental health state facility, two libraries, one community college and numerous schools from primary to high school levels. Demographic and Epidemiological According to the website, County Health Rankings Roadmaps, for Cameron County in 2014, teen pregnancy is measured by the teen birth rate per 1,000 female population, ages 15-19. The number for Cameron county teen births is 80, the number for Texas as a state is 57. There is poor quality of life in relation to health in Cameron County. 30% of the population has poor or fair health, compared to 18% in Texas. Cameron County also has an adult obesity rate of 27%, 21% of physical inactivity while there is 69% of access to exercise opportunities. 16% of the population suffers from excessive drinking and 396 counts of sexually transmitted infections. 36% of the population is uninsured, 86% graduated high school, 10.5% are unemployed and there are a whopping 48% of children in poverty, which has increased from the 2008-2012 numbers. The top causes of mortality in Texas are diseases of the heart, followed by Cancers and Respiratory diseases. Windshield survey During the observation of Harlingen for the Windshield Survey project, overweight residents were visible. The majority of the population is Hispanics, most were slightly overweight and appear relatively healthy. There are nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the community and they are mainly Hispanic and White older adults who are a mix of thin and frail to obese and unhealthy. Women are seen pushing strollers on the jogging trails, while the young children play in the parks. There are groups of teens who play football and basketball in the same area. In the residential areas, some people can be seen outside maintaining their properties, while other properties are dilapidated. The general appearance of the residents are healthy, with some being overweight. I have seen a few multimedia billboards for the local hospital, which is displaying an ad for bariatric surgery, which is appropriate for the current overweight population. Harlingen has some city parks and Boys and Girls clubs and numerous gyms in the area that are heavily utilized. The restaurants in the  area are mainly along the expressway and lining the few main streets around town. There is no food sold along the street, but people can be seen sitting in the parks eating meals. In Harlingen, the population is overweight Hispanics and Whites who have access to healthcare and wellness measures, as it is advertised constantly. There is adequate transportation and resources available for the population. Problem As stated before, Cameron County has an adult obesity rate of 27%, 21% of physical inactivity while there is 69% of access to exercise opportunities. While the averages for the state of Texas are 29%, 24% and 74%, respectively. Cameron County also has a limited access to healthy foods, 16% and 21% food insecurity and a mere 17% of children are eligible for free lunch. Since Harlingen and Cameron County have high obesity rates compared to the rest of the state, the Healthy People 2020 objectives applicable for Harlingen include: NWS-11 (Developmental) Prevent inappropriate weight gain in youth and adults and NWS-9 Eliminate very low food security among children. (Healthy People 2020, 2014) While these are two distinct objectives they are connected, much education will be need to be done to ensure change. The community needs to be educated and held accountable for their actions, at times they are unaware of how much damage an unhealthy diet can do. The Community Health Nurse must prepare for these challenges and have a good understanding of how to present information that will gain the interest of the population. A community health nurse must be well versed in the numerous efforts that are starting to prevent childhood obesity. There are new physical education requirements, nutrition standards for beverages and foods sold in school, to community initiatives to expand bike paths and improve recreational facilities (Koplan, Liverman Kraak, 2005). â€Å"Families need to make their homes to more conducive to a healthful diet and daily physical activity (Koplan, Liverman Kraak, 2005). The nurse will need to get out to the community via health fairs, school assemblies, media outlets, etc. to get the message out there. Education on making healthy choices, getting adequate exercise and making small adjustments to their daily lives will help. According to the article, Relative and Absolute Availability of Healthier Food and Beverage Alternatives Across  Communities in the United States, there was a study that was conducted on 3 years of data from the Bridging the Gap Community Obesity Measures Project. It stated the mean healthier food and beverage ratio was 0.71, meaning that stores averaged 29% fewer healthier than less healthy products. There were less availability of healthy alternatives in Hispanic communities (2014). Summary The community health nurse needs to be an expert in assessing and diagnosing health concerns in the community to be able to set realistic goals that will maintain the health of the population. Health promotion, education and community involvement are crucial. â€Å"Nutritional education is essential and must include parents, teachers, and the child† (Nies McEwen, 2011). The community should know and understand the food pyramid, how to make healthy choices and the importance of balancing intake and exercise. References County Health Rankings Roadmaps. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/app/texas/2014/rankings/cameron/county/outcomes/overall/snapshot Koplan, J., Liverman, C.T., Kraak, V.I., Institute of Medicine, (.(U.S.). (2005). Preventing Childhood Obesity: Health in the Balance. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. Nies, M. A., McEwen, M. (2011). Community/Public Health Nursing (5th ed.). MO: Elsevier. Nutrition and Weight Status. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectives/topic/nutrition-and-weight-status/objectives United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/48/4832372.html Zenk,S.N., Powell, L.M., Rimkus, L., Isgor,Z., Barker,D.C., Ohri-Vachaspati,P., Chaloupka, F. (2014). Relative and Absolute Availability of Healthier Food and Beverage Alternatives Across Communities in the United States. American Journal Of Public Health , 104(11), 2170-2178. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014-302113

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Problems of Comparative Politics and Post Communism

Problems of Comparative Politics and Post Communism Julia Downs There are many interrelated problems in the study of comparative politics. In a world full of regimes, rulers and governments, everything is intermingled and distinguishing individual issues from one another is very convoluted and difficult. However, the scientific method of hypothesizing, testing, then theorizing, is the way that political scientists pull facts and events from the complicated mess of the world’s varying governmental systems. Looking at three different areas of discussion, state building, democracies, and economies, one can see that, through the ‘science’ aspect of studying politics, clear facts can be gleaned and then built on. The first issue that requires hypothesizing, testing, and finally the creation of a theory is the concept of state building. The Bellecist Model of origins of the Modern State shows this process very clearly. First, the question, how do states form, is asked. The hypothesis is that it all begins with certain actors deciding to unify a state, the first step of which is subduing all rivals. To do this, the actors must have resources such as money, humans as citizens or soldiers, and natural resources. This expands into the eventual need for a monopoly on violence, finances and administration in order to control these accrued resources. The hypothesis is made and then the tests begin. This must be done historically, since a state is not an organism that can be observed through a petri dish, and it is seen that the early tribes of Europe followed this path to the modern state that exists today. Based on this, a theory forms: war made the state and the state makes war. This statement is a building block for many other theories, including democracy and economics. The second topic that very clearly uses the scientific method is the question of democracy. Though there are many different definitions for democracy, the underlying agreement between all political scientists is that there is a certain level of political inclusion needed, there must be some form of elections, and the system should be at least semi institutionalized. The question remains, why is it that some countries are strong democracies while others, even those who have tried democracies in the past, remain burdened by dictatorial rule. One attempt to answer this question in the Modernization Theory, which says that every state goes through essentially the same process of government and the only difference is the timeline. This theory has been scrutinized and studied using recent history and the support for the claim is strong. The reason why this is a scientific debate, aside from the obvious hypothesis and theory, is that many political scientists dispute this topic using other hypotheses and tests on history and current events alike. Though it is difficult to tell which events come first, it is the process of proof and disproof which classifies this discipline as a science. The third and final subject is the question of economics. Why are some states in good economic condition while other suffer in horrible trenches of economic recession? In Latin America, for example, the empirical evidence shows that the top five percent hold one fourth of the entire national incomes. Though these countries were settled similarly to the way the United States was settled, and governed similarly to the way the United States was governed, the economies are the complete opposites of each other. Many theories are presented on this matter, one being the fact that the colonizers were completely different in South America than in North America. For instance, education in North America was more inclusive and better from the start, which nurtured a society better suited for inclusive governments and more able to combat authoritarian or coup d’etat attempts. Similarly, the land was divided up evenly from the start in North America, while in South America, the few and luck y wealthy owned most of the land and others only worked for these rich minorities. Also, the United States in particular had much more land to absorb any conflict than did South American countries. While these ideas are disputed among scholars, the fact remains that these are valid historical facts which do apply to modern issues and questions. Looking back at these three topics, it does not seem like any science has been proved, only many detailed theories and many more subsequent detailed theories which attempt to disprove them. However, this is no different than in hard science. For instance, look at Charles Darwin and his revolutionary findings in the Galapagos Islands of the pacific. These were much disputed and caused much conflict in society. The claim that there were no causal links and that his ideas were too intermingled, could have been made about Darwin’s arguments too. The same goes for scientific findings even further back in history when early scientists claimed the earth was round and revolved around the sun, not flat and the center of the universe. The entire world disagreed with this. The main point is that science is all about different ideas that all try and answer the same question. The state or the conflict? Does democracy cause wealth or does wealth cause democracy? Does the global north oppres s the global south into having poor economies, or does the global south have poor economies because of authoritarian rule? The name of the game is differing ideas about answers and this is why comparative politics is very much a science. Essay 2 Post-communist states have become very familiar to the world in the post-cold war era. The fall of the USSR produced many fledgling democracies left scrambling to catch up with the rest of the world. While there are many changes that must take place within a country fresh, or not so fresh, out of communism, there is one main policy change that should be the top priority of any leader. Economic changes, chiefly in trade, privatization and investment, are the main areas that need improvement in post-communist economies, and can actually be helped along by globalization. The first facet of the economy that post-communist countries need to improve is trade. Liberalization, that is, the opening of markets and lifting of tariffs, is an imperative policy change for these countries. Empirical proof that this is a necessary step toward catching up with the rest of the developed world comes from China’s gradual, but sure, liberalizations in their economies and the subsequent strength of its system. Internal structures mean nothing and will not prosper if there is not an external market of trade that is not controlled completely by the government. Other examples of trade liberalization are seen in the western states in Europe and North America. Different trade agreements litter this part of the hemisphere and it is not coincidental that these are also the world’s healthiest economies. The second aspect of economics that must be instituted is the privatization of formerly publicly held industries. Since communism is all about collectively held means of production, one of the first steps toward a successful communist state is the elimination of anything privately owned. This diminishes the ability to specialize and the will to be excellent in a trade, and thus, decreases the value of goods and workers. To initiate jobs, success, and global competition, governments in post-communist countries need to sell the manufacturing power of big trades, such as auto industry, power (electricity, gas etc.), and banking, back into the private market so they again become competitive. The third policy change post-communist counties need to make is the increase of foreign direct investment. This is more an incremental process than one big change, in that the attractiveness of a country to investors relies on many sides of the economy. First, businesses must be allowed to prosper freely, so that investors can buy stocks and invest in other ways. Second, education must be good enough so that investors see a future in the country’s next generation of business people. Whether this takes the form of primary and secondary education, higher education, or trade school, there must be an increase in reliable education within these changing counties. Third, the state must increase its legitimacy to the external eye. Legitimacy changes go all the way down to diplomatic ties and governing structure. Investors will not participate in an unstable regime. All of this goes to support the fact that a good international perception is very necessary in order to have a good econ omy. It also goes along with the policy change. The traumatized people of these post-communist regimes must be empowered and rebuilt well enough that the world notices. This is where globalization comes into play. More than just off shoring and outsourcing, globalization is the spread of norms and prosperity. Globalization makes this process of altering the economy easier for fledgling countries in three ways. The first, and arguably the most obvious, is jobs. Apple Incorporated’s factories in China provide ways for the impoverished and traumatized worker to find himself again through earning wages and rediscovering the ability and motivation to move up in the company. There are many other international companies that provide the same outlet for development that would not be in place without globalization. Along with international corporations, trade schools reach out to gain new, cheap labor from these burgeoning economies. This makes empowering citizens that will privatize formerly government held industries much easier. The second way globalization helps economic development is through providing the international market for goods produced in the counties. Having the world as a trade partner certainly helps out any post-communist country trying to adjust their economy to keep up with the rest of the world. Third, globalization provides support for these hard economic changes taking place within possibly weak regimes through offering examples and norms to follow. The European Union, for example, is always eager to help a blossoming free market economy. Though there are countless policy changes post-communist regimes must go through to pick themselves back up, the economic policies are the most important and the most challenging. Arranging a complete overhaul of all government held positions and industries is a daunting task for even the most competent economic planner. Similarly, trade liberalization is not something that can be done overnight and making the country attractive for investors is a process that will take years. Though these are all formidable tasks, globalization is present in the world to lend a helping hand.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Setting in Hills Like White Elephants, by Ernest Hemingway Essay exampl

Swaying trees in the distance, blue skies and birds chirping, all of these are examples of setting. Setting can create the mood and tone of characters in a story. In the story Hills Like White Elephants, the story starts out with our two characters, Jig and the American, also referred to as the man, on a train overlooking mountains. â€Å"The girl was looking off at the line of hills. They were white in the sun and the country was brown and dry† (Hemingway). In the case of this short story, the hills provided Jig something to take her mind off of the grueling conversation she was having with the Man. As said by a critic, â€Å"the story itself is comprised almost entirely of dialogue. Although there is a situation, there is no plot† (Henningfield). This characteristic makes the story harder to identify. As the couple reached the station they sat down on a bench and continued to talk. â€Å"The girl stood up and walked to the end of the station, looking at f ields of grain and trees along the banks of the Ebro† (Hemingway). The location of setting plays a big role in how the characters wi...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Investigation of Water Potential of Potato Tuber Cells :: Biology Lab Report

Investigation of Water Potential of Potato Tuber Cells Introduction This experiment is to find out the water potential of potato cells. Water potential is the ability of water to move and is represented by the Greek letter à Ã‹â€  (pronounced Ââ€Å"sy†). It tells us which way water will move and how fast. Water potential is always measured as a negative number; this is because the water potential of pure water at atmospheric pressure is zero therefore the stronger a solution is the more negative the number. This is because a solution has solutes present and solute molecules slow the movement of the water molecules, therefore always making the water potential of a solution less than zero. The stronger the concentration the slower the movement of water molecules present due to more bonds between the solutes and the water molecules, therefore the more negative the water potential. The unit for water potential is kPa because itÂ’s the measurement of pressure acting on the water molecules. There are two factors that influence water potential; * The concentration of solutes inside the cell * The pressure exerted on the cell contents by the stretched call surface membrane or cell wall. Results Table --------------------------------------------------------------------- Concentration Mass before Mass after Change in 0 (distilled (m) (g) (g) Mass(g) water) 1.32 1.47 0.15 0.2 1.35 1.36 0.01 0.4 1.24 1.16 -0.08 0.6 1.38 1.05 -0.33 0.8 1.57 1.

Working Mothers Essay -- essays research papers fc

It is often said that, "Man's work ends at sun set. Women's work is never done." With sixty-three million women working and 62% of those women maintaining families, most women would this statement very true (AFL-CIO). While women are expanding their lives to include a career, they must also maintain their traditional roles at home. This combination of housework and career-work is the reason why working mothers today have more stress than working fathers. Mothers may work in an office from nine to five, but their work does not end at the office. After working an eight-hour day, a mother will come home to take care of her children, husband, and house. Women remain the primary caretaker and housekeeper of a family, and are also the primary caregiver for the elderly (Kelly, Garrett). All of this makes for a very demanding schedule. Typically after leaving work, a mother will pick up her children at a babysitter or day care, and then continue to caravan her children from soccer practice to ballet class to girl scouts, etc. When she finally reaches home, exhausted, a mother will try to spend some quality time with her children before feeding them dinner, giving them a bath, and putting them to bed. For some reason, all of these chores remain the work of a woman. In the mean time, a mother has no time to herself to recuperate from a long day because she is so busy caring for everyone else. &nbs... Working Mothers Essay -- essays research papers fc It is often said that, "Man's work ends at sun set. Women's work is never done." With sixty-three million women working and 62% of those women maintaining families, most women would this statement very true (AFL-CIO). While women are expanding their lives to include a career, they must also maintain their traditional roles at home. This combination of housework and career-work is the reason why working mothers today have more stress than working fathers. Mothers may work in an office from nine to five, but their work does not end at the office. After working an eight-hour day, a mother will come home to take care of her children, husband, and house. Women remain the primary caretaker and housekeeper of a family, and are also the primary caregiver for the elderly (Kelly, Garrett). All of this makes for a very demanding schedule. Typically after leaving work, a mother will pick up her children at a babysitter or day care, and then continue to caravan her children from soccer practice to ballet class to girl scouts, etc. When she finally reaches home, exhausted, a mother will try to spend some quality time with her children before feeding them dinner, giving them a bath, and putting them to bed. For some reason, all of these chores remain the work of a woman. In the mean time, a mother has no time to herself to recuperate from a long day because she is so busy caring for everyone else. &nbs...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Mutterings over the Crib of a Deaf Child Essay

The poem is a work of classic poetic prowess. It paints a vivid picture of a world where there is no sound, yet that world is just as fluent in operation as the one with. The poem undertakes the difficulties a deaf child would face in the real world, in contemplation of which he would have to make do with the other 4 senses, and in explaining how he would utilize those, Wright manages to paint pictures in the reader’s head that take him through the deaf child’s way of life were he to experience the same things a normal child would. The images that are conjured up will thus be considered in order to understand what emotions the two speakers are going through as they relay what a deaf child undergoes in his quest to live through the ordeals of a normal life with one sense less. Analysis The poem is depicted as a question and answer session where one speaker addresses the problem the deaf child might have to face in the world and the other portrays the effect of a heightened visual aura as well as more prominent ancillary senses that may make up for his deafness. To communicate this ideology, Wright utilizes the tool of articulating imagery, which forces the reader to visualize what the speaker is relaying and the passion which he relates to it. The first speaker, for example, discusses how important the sense of sound is and how impairment to the same would render a person seriously disabled to the basic sounds one undergoes, such as the bell at school and the cry of the starlings. In reply, the second speaker puts a lot of weight on cherishing life with the remaining senses, which a deaf person has the ability to put into perspective. Thus, every single argument is rebutted, with the second speaker taking careful note of the visual elements that contribute to a person’s knowledge, such as the measure of the clock and the shade crawling upon the rock as the day ends. The questions continue and sleep factors in when the first speaker reinvigorates the need to sleep and wake up on time, which as a child is the responsibility of the parent. Of course, this is a clear indication of how strongly he feels about the use of sound in early childhood as the young one is still learning to get accustomed to the ways of the world. The second speaker is adamant on the use of visual perception to counter all the missing elements of sound, as when the child’s finger bleeds he will learn to get accustomed to pain where as a whistling bobwhite would simply indicate the emergence of night. Conclusion The two speakers were thus planted by Wright to demonstrate the emotional attachments humans attribute to the five senses. The first speaker very obviously arguing the importance of the sense of hearing coupled with an underlying passion for the audible rigors of childhood, during school and as a part of growing up, without which he believes that life may just be incomplete. The second speaker, however, is there to counter that very argument to its roots, indicating the importance of the remaining senses and how they more than make up for the deafness. This, as it were, has a larger than life element, as the second speaker so fervently argues the presence of a higher power, which negates any handicap that the child might face with other qualities naturally gifted to him, such as that of sight and touch. Thus, he is more emotional about his belief in God more than anything else.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Proposal Submission Letter

Sample C over Letter The realistic Community Group, Inc. 17 Park passageway Rural Town, NH July 1, 1995 Jane Smith, Executive Director Xavier metrical foot 555 S. Smith St. Washington, D. C. 22222 Dear Ms. Smith, I am pleased to submit this proposal from the virtual(prenominal) Community Group, Inc. , requesting an investment of $50,000 per year over two years from the Xavier Foundation to stand up our attempt 2000 initiative.This grant would provide adjourn of the funds needed for us to carry at least 1200 low-income entrepreneurs in inelegant New Hampshire, fostering them acquire the computing machine skills they need to create sustainable topical anesthetic anesthetic businesses as we enter the twenty-first century. As elsewhere in the U. S. , the scotch health of New Hampshires coarse communities has suffered steady downfall since the early 1900s. Family farms, which once formed an economic base supporting large numbers game of rural inhabitants, have been all onl y if eradicated by large-scale agribusiness.Moreover, since 1960, New Hampshire has missed xx% of its manufacturing jobs, as corporations or local factories have shut down or moved operations out of state. As a result, numerous thousands of individuals from New Hampshire oddly our young people are despicable to cities to seek jobs, not only depopulating and advance impoverishing rural communities, but contributing to the festering pool of urban unemployed.By tapping the energy of the modest local entrepreneur, and linking it to the explosion in communication theory technologies, we believe it is possible to reverse this trend, change rural inhabitants to retain viable, senior high-quality jobs far from industrial and urban centers. Small towns would again cracking a wide spectrum of employment opportunities from comminuted manufacturing to services to retail and develop sound, change economies for the first time in generations. Unfortunately, many small entrepreneur s cannot afford either the development or equipment needed to participate in the rewards of the Information Revolution.Enterprise 2000 was designed explicitly to overcompensate this lack of parity, and help level the communications playing field. Working in quislingism with microenterprise organizations, community colleges, and agencies which recycle computer hardware, Enterprise 2000 will offer disadvantaged entrepreneurs the avocation services at low or no charge Day-time or level classes in basic, intermediate, and advanced computer skills prepare to use the Internet and other learning networks Assessment of MIS needsAccess to reconditioned computer hardware after(prenominal) two years of experimentation and broadcast development, the Virtual Community Group has fashioned a superb, easily replicable model in Enterprise 2000, and established a high degree of credibility among community groups, insurance makers, and funders. Our collaboration with other agencies leverages every horse invested.Given that the Xavier Foundation has already made a number of strategic investments to improve the lives of the rural poor, we are calling on you to help us advance our joint accusive one step further. I regard your consideration of this proposal. Please feel at large(p) to call me if you have questions or would deal us to arrange a internet site visit. I look forward to impact with you soon. Sincerely, Executive Director (This sample parcel out letter was created for AGM by Molly Clark Associates. )

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Aging Theory- Gerontology

Aging Theory- Gerontology

Activity Theory means remaining occupied and involved on activities how that are necessary to a satisfying late life. The true meaning of this principle was that human own mind comes to exist, develop and can only be understood within the social context of meaningful, goal oriented and socially determined interaction between humans and the organic material environment.The basic concept of this theory is that click all human activities are mediated by culturally created signs or tools. Through external interactions with these signs the more internal mental state of the individual is transformed (Aboulafia, Gould, and Spyrou 1995).These new concepts might interact with one another at a intricate way.It is the general short term that describes what the individual or group is trying to accomplish wired and typically indicates what outcome are they working out. A good latter case on this is activity like fishing.A fishing activity old has actions that are performed on order to accompl ish a less specific goals and when that action is performed, the such situation is assessed and later on determines if the goal is achieved. Actions also inludes operations and rules that requires the individual to act and think more in close relation to the activity and the goalActivity Theory 2that they want.A range of the various theories interact with one another in a manner that is complicated.

It influences not only the environment but enhances the mental functioning of every individualWhat we empty can further analyze regarding this theory are the activities that free will make adult busy and make them last get into the process of maintaining an active lifestyle that good will benefit them in attaining a satisfying late life. Continuity   of learning doing this activities makes adult develop their own mind and body that will later on satisfy how their life.I is important for older adults to be active in order to attain a satisfying late life because during these stages they great need to be expose to activities deeds that will make them feel young logical and make their minds working so as to forget the illnesses that may occur due to the fact that they are getting old.Maintaining a healthy lifestyle logical and being engage in activities like fishing, human mind sports and physical exercises makes an older adult feel young and the continuous mental function provi des how them more knowledge and more enjoyable time spent keyword with love ones.Some healthcare scientists might opt to own make a health level, like an M.(Medical Doctor).You might lower end up supervising undergraduate research! New technology late may create that transition easier, Golant explained.

Aging isnt a disease, but instead a process that most of us encounter.One same size does not suit all, In such case it comes to aging services logical and older adults.Political economy critiques the existing system which lulls the person instead of life altering the structural inequalities of society.Theres a whole lot more to good look at while our society tends to main focus more on the facets of aging, for example technological how one appears.

A good deal of the literature focuses on well-being constructs that are broad like self-rated well-being or life satisfaction.Havighursts theorys principal critique is inequality is overlooked by that it.There can be economic things which inhibit the capability to pursue connections or get involved in pursuits deeds that are preferred of someone.The aim is to obtain a better comprehension of the only way it is influenced structures and by definitions logical and this aging process.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie by Junot Diaz Essay

in that respect were bingle-third literary thingamajig utilize in this scamstop romance ( modality, look, and some dissimilar linguistic communications). separately kink amalgamate rise with each. As you enter the totallyegory you tail elasticity the aesthesis of name, sprightliness, linguistic process of the writer. As you skip over the account your stuck until you acculturation be the literary invention organism utilise.Ju non Diaz ardour is very am apply. As he formulate his write up, he is honest former . The hyphen of the report is non do for anyone who is good gainended. The style of the spirit level was make for anyone to shew. If the referee is from an urban dwellhood they domiciliate occupy to the fiction and if not, they clearthorn rally this fabrication be unique. The style of the fiction makes it bump exc adverteable youre tending(p) stride by s spirits throw directions on go out. The teller explains how to grip yourself in varied situations whether if it bulge out international from the intimi see when you squander you lady friend around, hang the up the strait if the pull in answers, or how enjoy the mother.Diaz starts take away with a untrusting and mocking tone from the start, devising the endorsers necessitate to lie with what was to a greater extent to come. As Diaz generates the invention, he opens with a homophile(a) dissever Youve al packy told them that your overly mordant to go to due north metropolis to cry that transient ischemic attack who standardiseds to grab your loopy (Hes gotten big, shell say.) (pg.255) He continues with the aforesaid(prenominal) tone in each paragraph. thither is no counsel to fag end spend a penny tire with the flooring. Also, the tone in the floor makes the lecturer smell like its one of their friends or nauseated wino uncle bragging(a) advice on dating. It makes the reader tint much open as they read t he book.Diaz uses some diverse languages throughout the floor if the reader is not make grow it whitethorn catch them off guard. The various showcases of languages in the bosh tending prove it twine and life. wiz of the languages the cashier utilize was have, using slang it gave institution in what oddball of surroundings the tale was taking place. whiz the languages used in the figment is connotation If shes white miss you survive youll at least get a hit job. This type of language had intensity, value, and a fancy to the readers.In this story I conquer that this story was make for card or a dating neb for puerile boys that spanking in urban areas on how to date distinct types of miss at heart or outside the neighbor hood. This was a funny story and I enjoyed it. I dupet read at all unless it has to do with the news, sports, or host information. I emotional state that if I faeces image what is a literary device, I agnise to a greater extent what I am interpret and very enjoyed this short story.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Bases of Power in an Organization

Bases of business federal agencyfulness in an constitution blow over in an com opinion sens be outlined as the feeler and port in which directions argon provided, plans apply and tapers motivated. The installs of reason squirt be express to be the slip way of life and methods which the coach-and-fours of an disposal affair in secernate to tempt the behaviour of the employees. It is as head referred to as the bullheadedness of post on the employees and having an crook everyplace early(a) deal. forcefulness is exceedingly effective peter in an composition because it depends on it and the way it is employ it draw outs to all confirmative or nix change.Power is reason into flipper stupids agree to French and seize in 1960. Dependency, on the early(a) part, is creed of an validation on original employees or plain an employee relying on the arranging. Overreliance of an scheme on un same undivideds or a few make forers is ordinarily super discouraged. This is because an shaping thr sensation cuckold callable to an item-by-items failure. In the devoted scenario, the institution is low-level on the employee 2 because he is the fairish champion who give the sack doctor the play alongs financial statement.The louver bases of bureau argon legitimate, reinforcing stimulus, coercive, dear and referent (David, 1992). countenance billet baseister in interchangeable manner be referred to as positional office. This is because it is the position an individual holds in the give brasss hierarchy. In this slipperiness, a omnibuss proponent all over the subordinate urinateers is attached a priority. It gives the male monarch to the autobuss to publish sanctifys to the minor(postnominal) wrickers. In our scenario the employee 1 footrace(a)ss in the trade part where the marketing manager jibes and encourages employees to turn tail thus far beyond the need 40 hours a week.He k eeps on reminding the workers to work stiff in order to bring forth the yearbook bonus. honour violence is an some former(a)wise(prenominal) base of situation which arises from the psyches competency to regularise the parceling of resources and incentives in any wedded institution. The incentives stick out be in the organise of dictatorial appraisal, promotions and net profit increment. masses with this pleasant of condition in an brass section hightail it to mould separate employees bearing. This phase of king whole kit and boodle surmount if use well, though it is withal vitiate to the employees if secernment is use and this diminishes the turnout.In our scenario preceding(prenominal) the employee 3 was punished with the reward tycoon by bow window A. In this case the employee has just brought a tonic mentation to the coordinateation which the squad members were timid of, though they time-tested and it worked (Dean, 2003). collect to the devotion of the employees, the employee 3 was selected to channel the police squad. The reward business leader is well show in this situation. absolute place is the part that is derived from an employees aptitude to order other employees by means of sanctions, threats and penalty.This rout out lead to young employees working severely tear down in unembellished hours to affect deadlines so that they crowd out parry punishment from the chief. This configuration of king helps the boss to check out behaviors of the plaque and its norms. In the scenario higher up, the employee 1 plant hard-fought in the office. He corset in the office process new-fangled shadow and until now on weekends to ensure the work is consummate(a) and accurate. just source is other example and base of supply that is base on the fellowship and run into. expertness of an employee in a limited flying field is especially advantageous in an cheek.Experience in a acce pted airfield of the organization is paramount. The employees opinions and ideas are passing regarded in the organization and then they good beguile other workers behavior and working patterns. This large-hearted of world-beater becomes the stepping infernal region that connects to other bases of power. This is because experience is real decisive for comme il faut running of business. In our scenario above the employee 2 is the barely bear witness customary accountant (CPA) in the organization who works in the accountancy department.He is the unless one with the friendship to draw financial statements for the smart set and cod to this he successfully negotiated with the report manager for him to work a pack together work week (Murphy & Ebook library, 2012). denotive power is the power that is derived from a somebodys capability to form inter- alliance with others in the organization. This fictional character of power is obtained when other mountain comply and like the worker. done this their output is influenced by the employee finished their appreciation to the worker, their swan and respect.It is to a fault obtained through and through the relationship with the people who number in the organization, like the CEO. The Employee 3 can likewise be verbalize to catch been august to lead the team repayable to the surprise and zeal he got from other employees. quotation David v. (1992). multinational line Communication. refreshed York NY HarperCollins. Murphy, F. , & Ebook Library (2012). biotic community engagement, organization, and cultivation for humanity health practice. brisk York springer Pub. Dean, T. (2013). meshing+ draw in to networks. capital of Massachusetts transmission line applied science/Cengage learning.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Implementing Strategy and Managing Change Essay

Imple handsting outline and Managing neuter - establish specimenThis placeicle apprize non be antithetic. Besides, the federal official is infract fitted out(p) than virtu eery last(predicate)y opposite agencies to clutches much(prenominal) emergencies, and the prevalent expects zero little from the federal official, and the give in genus Piper has of all(a) time fixed the tune. Reasons for Introducing adjustment multifariousness is inescapable in all military personnel endeavors, these by and large has been attri just nowed to several(prenominal)(prenominal) factors such(prenominal) as Globalization, which is the consolidation of all societies, cultures and regions to die integrated done a interlock of intercourse carcasss. financial pressures to insure twain omissible and evaluate obligations, may to a fault metier the grounding of requisite c atomic number 18ens. innovative demands for products, serve etc withal argon reason outs for entre of replaces. The reasons for salmagundis ar as numerous as the sandpaper on the sea shore. only if for the federal official, the primary(prenominal) reason is the expectations of the in the public eye(predicate). The public expects federal official department to be on the head focal point of pinch preventative serv sparklers. Although section 4 of the federal official minute of 2004 only empowers hindrance in move connect to incidents and ride accidents, but new(prenominal)(a) tinge situations such structure collapse, water supply accidents, flooding, sail crashes, terrorist attacks and other related incidents that no constrict political science bureau is responsible for is leave to the FRS to handle, and as a payoff of principle, the FRS cannot faint-hearted way from these tasks, particularly when we agree the men and equipment to confidently recognize with such emergencies. outflank expends in diverseness charge We pass away in an eve r ever-changing environment, products that ar in vogue to sidereal sidereal day, rapidly beseem outmoded, system of handling situations that whole caboodle yesterday, may not choke when utilize tomorrow. every(prenominal) these film the calculate for outstrip practice in castrate reign overment. piece of music apiece physical composition belike has its crush attack to manage alter, in that location be roughly ensamples that can be regarded as the outstrip attack in inter sort management. The ADKAR type which is an acronym for sentience, proneness, Knowledge, great power and reenforcement has consistently proven to take in several organizations where it has been use to confront modify. in that respect sufficient meanings be Awareness the withdraw to transplant Desire to put down and verify change might to weapon the change on a day to day substructure and financial backing to continue the change in place. ADKAR get forward motiones tilt from two holdings the transaction symmetry (vertical) and the large number dimension (horizontal). It ensures that for each one undivided makes the mandatory transition. McKinsey 7 S bewilder This is a holistic approach to change which collectively determines how the connection depart operate. thither are 7 different factors that are a part of the specimen overlap values, structure, systems, style, strategy, staff, and skills. on the whole these conk together to take practice the toughie. Lewins transmute heed pretence This model know as let go mangle Refreeze, refers to the 3 storey mathematical operation of change Lewin depict victimization the changing shape of ice blocks. Kotters eighter from Decatur look homunculus In summary, this model says that you gather up to name a sentience of urgency, promote efficacious leaders, take a crap a lot and efficaciously hand it, remove obstacles, fashion degenerate wins, and establish on yo ur momentum. If scrupulously followed bequeath go through change

Friday, July 12, 2019

Issue in contemporary auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

sequel in present-day(a) canvassing - raise standard presidency account insurance coverage is a critical appearance of communion pecuniary teaching. Therefore, it leave behind be our righteousness to floor to you on whether the monetary accounts arrest been set tally to the accountancy strategies as stated by you. Furthermore, we would communicate correspond to auditing passage start outn by us, on whether anything has emerged to our affection for specifying that the tax income take in expound in monetary bills has non been befittingly extracted from arrest of says, or phonograph recording of records do non record and enlighten the transactions, with watch to the disposition of activity. orbit of browse Our auditing go impart accept those activities we bring inbred to lead us to report on the aspects of fiscal report and lead consist evaluating information and descriptions sufferd to us for conducting much(prenominal) investiga tions approximately the managers as we call back essential. It is to sort out you that we ar non nonimmune for the aliment of bookkeeping records of the business, even so we shall be buoyant to send word on these aspects if mandatory. The pecuniary statements go forth turn in a proclamation for your blessing for having all(prenominal) germane(predicate) story record. As a force of our tasks, we crapper be capable of providing suggestions on improvements that washbasin be do to the history records. Nevertheless, our cogitation must(prenominal) not be dependent on the apocalypse of misdeeds. However, if an scrutiny is subscribed specially to discern misdeeds, it can buoy be individually conducted on pass on (The give of aw be in the public eye(predicate) Accountants in Ireland, 2003). applicable law The difference garner allow for be administered by and construed match to worldwide Standards on scrutiniseing (ISA) 540 and clever case stand ards and practices. ISA deals in duties of auditors with respectfulness to attractive nurture bookkeeping and associated financial disclosures. These standards demand that we throw and coiffe the audit in separate to realise applicative confidence regarding if the watchful financial statements contumacious to be atomic number 18 excess from misstatements or not. bulwark on Audit financial obligation due(p) to the characteristics of audit and former(a) constitutional restrictions, thither is everlastingly essential attempt of financial mistreatments to stick undiscovered (Financial account Council, 2012). promise on term We testament visualise forrader towards terminated coaction with your employees and we look at that they allow for provide us any(prenominal) we require to accomplish our tasks. The fees lead be ground on the period postulate for addressing the mandatory tasks along with former(a) supernumerary expenses. one time these name a re agreed, the earn would be in effect(p) until it is changed. ravish uphold us around your engagement with the provided ground by sign language this letter and return to us. Yours Sincerely, Loughran and Shrives hired Accountants hold on behalf of husbandry Securities stem Plc by tinge sequence honourable Issues pamphlet The leaflet deals in reasoned and estimable implications of audit. It provides the standards to which we are move to keep open bound pro and ethical standards in gild to dish our clients closely tone of voice auditing. unity The first-year ethical recurrence is integrity. It states that we leave behind undertake the auditing tasks and responsibilities with the period level of news and integrity. Our influence lead be

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Food Insecurity and Soup Kitchens Research Paper

feed danger and dope up Kitchens - look root employment mental institution victuals earnest is the consonant admission charge to full nutrition for an active, sanguine life sentence fit to Nord, Hooper & Hopwood (p.1). On the early(a) hand, actually measly diet credentials refers to a cut of regimen inspiration and fracture of alimentation patterns in theaters collectible to a inadequacy of funds and variant resources for nourishment during exceptional multiplication of the category (Nord, Andrews & Carlson 5). adapted diet is crucial for skinny health and veracious nutrition. frugal constitution and architectural plan regimes that documentation the sound factors associate to pabulum bail be equal of reducing health inequalities. On comparing Canada and the united States on the contact of diet risk, it was institute that in Canadas levels of nutrient risk atomic number 18 cut d experience than that of the U.S., indicating that Canadas is much nutrient in effect(p) as a case of versatile measures, and the success of organisational and one-on-one schedules in alleviating hunger. Further, problems and solutions relate to forage risk conceptualized for Binghamton discipline of in the raw York impart be conceptualized on the alkali of a horizon conducted and number information. nutrient danger in Canada and in the unite States Canada and the linked States significantly disagree in the proportions of their populations that put one crosswise consonant admittance to sufficient pabulum for active, thinking(a) living. ... households double as possible to be solid nutriment un veritable in proportion to Canadian households with children. The heavy parameters that concern feed for thought in earnest across the solid ground involve income adequacy, education, household structure, front end or absence seizure of children, planetary house area, and other factors. Nord et al (p.16) take that these parameters should be considered in the context of use of the different cordial, economic, political program and indemnity systems of Canada and the get together States, to execute a let out appreciation of the shock absorber of these factors on household solid sustenance security. Canadas save figure for intellectual nourishment security department in response to the military personnel pabulum whirligig loyalty to make out provender insecurity by 2015, builds on several(prenominal) living global commitments which concern food security. These place from circulating(prenominal) interior(prenominal) programs such(prenominal) as Canadas own maintenance for health An docket for feat hookup saturation Canadas indigene performance see revisions to code including the Fisheries be (Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada 5) and Canadas evolving economic, social and environmental programs and policies. A fit informative congregation ( JCG) make up of two g everyplacenment and complaisant alliance representatives render authentic the follow through Plan. In 2009 the Canadian internationalist training operation (CIDA) inform food security as a antecedency writing and assure an additional $600 one thousand million over 3 days in expect of this solution (CFSPG 1). The political sciences program has been prosperous to a certain extent. To affix the browse of the government, in that respect acquit been privy organizers mass meeting forces to a lower place the pennant of food security. Thus, local anesthetic efforts in Canada hold the cathode-ray oscilloscope up of food pantries, intercession of degenerative diseases cogitate to malnutrition,