
Monday, March 18, 2019

Problem Television Programs :: essays research papers

Problem ProgramsRobert MacNeil began his article the, The Trouble With Television, with the overwhelming statistic that the average picture sweetheart squanders matchless thousand hours per year watching television programing (MacNeil). One thousand hours is a tremendous amount of time pointless watching programs with unchallenging content, this time could be better spent earning a college point or perhaps earning various languages (MacNeil). I concur with MacNeil that television does reject concentration and applied effort for the reason that viewers spend an profligate amount of time watching unsophisticated and undemanding programming quite an then engaging in activities that will further fracture the viewers critical thinking.In MacNeils article he asserts that viewers waste an excessive amount of tome watching television that is brief and unchallenging. He also adds that programmers deliberately create brief and rousing programs in hopes of achieving the coating of ex posing viewers to their advertisements so that a profitable outcome can be reached. MacNeil informs his readers that approximately thirty million adults are functionally illiterate in America, meaning that thirty million adults are unable to read knightly the fifth grade level. He does not go as far-off as to say that television is to blame for this outcome, but he doesCascarano 2 believe that television contributes significantly to the misfortune. MacNeil also insinuates that viewers are attracted to aboveboard and quick resolutions for many of todays complex problems in these one one-half hour shows.Complex problems and quick, easy solutions are often constitute in these ine half hour comedy sitcoms such as central office Improvement. In a recent episode eighteen year venerable fix (the eldest son) confronted his parents about his plans to marry his girlfriend of two months. Brad was convinced that he and his girlfriend wer in live and that was all that they compulsory to survive. Jill (Brads mother) turned to Wilson (their neighbor) for advice. He gives a simple resolution to a complicated problem reverse psychology. Within a matter of foursome minutes the problem had vanquished, the young couple would wait until they had both absolute four-year at a commendable university. Although quite witty, this simplistic one half hour comical sitcom is not challenging and it does not develop the viewers critical thinking because it does not break implement the problem and explain a sophisticated and real resolution. Real resolutions are not given in these types of short sitcoms because real resolutions are protracted and do not keep viewers watching.

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