
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Disease Caused by Environmental Exposure Essay

environ moral DiseasesIn epidemiology, surroundal sickness is infirmity caused by purlieual factors that ar non transmitted genetically or by infection. Apart from the neat monogenic genetic disorders, environmental distempers may determine the growth of disease in those genetically predis make up to a limited condition. Stress, carnal and mental abuse, diet, exposure to toxins, pathogens, radiation, and chemicals bring in almost all personal explosive charge products and household cleaners are possible causes of a large ingredient of non-hereditary disease. If a disease process is concluded to be the conduce of a combination of genetic and environmental factor influences, its etiological origin suffer be referred to as having a multifactorial pattern.There are umteen different types of environmental disease including * Lifestyle disease much(prenominal) as cardiovascular disease, diseases caused by substance abuse such as alcoholism, and smoking-related disease * Disease caused by physical factors in the environment, such as throw together nookycer caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight * Disease caused by exposure to chemicals in the environment such as deadly metals * These diseases can in addition be mutated and can boom out in the unnatural environment through rubbish that isnt toss away and no sewerage systems. These factors can hurt a nation or an individual quite easily.-Categories of environmental disease* First, there are those caused by the ancient metals lead and mercury. * Then there are those caused by the a nonher(prenominal) metals arsenic, phosphorus, andzinc. * The newer metals can also cause environmental disease beryllium, cadmium, chromium, manganese, nickel, cobalt, osmium, platinum, selenium, tellurium, thallium, uranium, and vanadium. * Additionally, there are environmental diseases caused by the aromatic ascorbic acid compounds including benzene, hexachlorocyclohexane, toluene dii socyanate, phenol, pentachlorophenol,quin atomic number 53 and hydroquinone. Also include are the aromatic nitro-, amino-, and pyridilium-deratives nitrobenzene, dinitrobenzene, trinitrotoluene, paramethylaminophenol sulfate (Metol), dinitro-ortho-cresol, aniline,trinitrophenylmethylnitramine (tetryl), hexanitrodiphenylamine (aurantia), phenylenediaminedisambiguation needed, and parquet. The aliphatic carbon compounds can also cause environmental disease.Included in these are methanol, nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose, dimethylnitrosamine, and the halogenated hydrocarbons methyl, methyl bromide, trichloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, and the chlorinated naphthalene. Also included are glycols ethylene chlorohydrins and diethylene dioxide as well as carbon, acrylonitrile, acryl amide, and vinyl chloride. * Other important chemical causes of environmental diseases are the pestiferous gases which can be categorized as Simple asphyxiates, chemical asphyxiates, and sticker gases. The si mple asphixiants are nitrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide. The chemical asphyxiates are carbon monoxide, sulfurette hydrogen and hydrogen cyanide. The irritant gases are sulfur dioxide, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, chlorine, phosgene, and degree Fahrenheit and its compounds, which include luroine and hydrofluoric acid, fluorspar, fluorapatite, cryolite, and organic fluorine compounds.While many infectious diseases are caused by human-to-human transmission, others are caused by microorganisms that exist in the outside environment. Scientists from a variety of fields, including medicine and the environment, must work together to address the challenges posed by these environmental pathogens, according to a new report, From Outside to deep down environmental Microorganisms as Human Pathogens, released today by the American academy of Microbiology. The key difference between environmental pathogens and other human pathogens is their tycoon to survive and thrive outside the host. The ir widespread occurrence in the environment makes them difficult to monitor and control, says Gerard Cangelosi of theSeattle Biomedical Research Institute at the University of Washington, one of the authors of the report. The fields of medical and environmental microbiology need to be fall in unified to stimulate the type of work that is required to combat environmental pathogens effectively, and the development and improvement of surveillance and reporting strategies should be a top priority.Environmental pathogens are defined as microorganisms that normally spend a square part of their lifecycle outside human hosts, but when introduced to humans cause disease with measurable frequency. They are carried in the water, soil, air, aliment and other parts of the environment and can affect almost every individual on the planet. about examples of environmental pathogens include Legionella pneumophila (the cause of Legionnaires disease, often found in air conditioning systems), West Nile virus, and Cryptosporidium parvum (a parasite that can be found in food, drinking water and recreational waters). In addition to better integration of medical and environmental research, the report recommends more effective observe of pathogens in the environment to allow researchers to better understand the incidence and tenaciousness of pathogens in areas that are considered to be at risk for harboring these organisms.Multidisciplinary research must also be fostered to better predict how changes in the environment may affect the frequency of environmental diseases. These threats to human health can only when be assessed in a comprehensive multidisciplinary context in which ecology, epidemiology, and emergent areas in environmental engineering and microbiology are integrated. This combined approach can yield immediate and long-term health benefits by mitigating established environmental risks, identifying risky situations for disease emerging and finding the causes of dise ases of unknown etiology, says Cangelosi.The report is the result of a colloquium convened by the Academy in February 2004 to discuss environmental pathogens and the occurrent state of research on these organisms. Scientists with expertise in infectious diseases, food microbiology, bacteriology, molecular, microbial ecology, pathogenic mycology and other areas in the microbiological sciences participated. Participants considered the knowledge gaps related to the incidence and epidemiology of environmental infectious diseases, dynamics of human pathogens in the environment, ways to salve environmental infectious diseases, research needs in the field and instruction and communication issues.-Causes of Environmental diseasesEnvironmental diseases are caused by chemical agents, radiation, and physical hazards. The effects of exposure, in both natural and work settings, are greatly influenced by the exposure routes primarily air pollution and water pollution, contaminated food, and d irect contact with toxins.Synergistic affectstwo or more venomous exposures acting togetherare also important, as illustrated by the greatly increased risk of lung malignant neoplastic disease in asbestos workers who smoke cigarettes. The potential interaction of multiple hazardous chemicals at toxic waste dumps poses a current public health problem that is of unknown dimensions.Industrial lodge has introduced or increased human exposure to thousands of chemicals in the environment. Examples are inorganic materials such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and asbestos, and organic substances such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), vinyl chloride, and the pesticide DDT.Of particular concern is the delayed potential for these chemicals to produce cancer, as in the cases of lung cancer and mesothelioma caused by asbestos, liver cancer caused by vinyl chloride, and leukemia caused by benzene. Minamata disease, caused by food contaminated with mercury, and Yusho disease, from food c ontaminated with chlorinated furans, are examples of acute toxic illnesses occurring in nonoccupational settings.The full toxic potential of most environmental chemicals has not been completely tested. The extent and frequency of an illness are related to the drug of toxin, in degrees depending on the toxin. For chronic or delayed effects such as cancer or adverse reproductive effects, no steady-going dose threshold may exist below which disease is not produced.

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