Tuesday, February 19, 2019
The Ideal Man Essay
Ideal Man shew Rewrite Alicia Luttrell AP English October 11, 2012 From ancient times to present day, authors from around the hu military macrocosm signifier have tried to pursue the angel troops. After reading nigh of their stories, it is easy to see that each story dep decisions on the type of socialization the author was raised in. Through come out this pursuit, the ideal man has taken on many different forms. The ideal man may be judgment of as well-nighbody who is perfect, scarcely some may see him as someone who overcomes faults or doubts. He could also be seen as someone tries to become the ideal man or is well-known and exchangeabled end-to-end the land.In Flight, the young man Pepe has to learn to become a man aft(prenominal) his father dies. His mformer(a) tells him almost daily that he is lazy and ask to get to work. As Pepes mother starts to rely more on him, she sends him into township to pick up some medicine and supplies. This is the start of Pepe formi ng into a man. His mother is in solaceing responsibility in him to supporter out the family. He goes on a journey and ends up proving that his mother should have never sent him because he kills someone. He runs from his crime and tries to get away from facing the consequences.Although he wanted to be like his father, the ideal man in Pepes eyes, he was young and foolish. The doubt of his mother didnt help though. John Steinbeck wrote this story to show the reader that just because there is a null to fill does non mean that the person filling that void is ready for the task. Pepe tried to be like his father and fill his shoes. rough readers might view trying as a diagnostic of an ideal man. Although Pepe tried he still lacked strength and courage to face his mistakes.The conflicting story of The Handsomest Drowned Man In The World is an example of creating an ideal man. The towns battalion created a life that they thought this handsome man, they name on the beach, should ha ve lived. Instead of just burying and being make with him, they chose to give him a life story so that he would non be forgotten. They gave him the name of Esteban, which means great and beautiful. The women comp ard him to their husbands, even though they knew null of him. The towns tribe went out of their way to give him a lavish funeral, one that anyone would remember.These people were using Esteban for their own self-improvement. They saw how this man was forgotten and did not want the same thing to happen to them. This thinking caused them to change their life styles and better themselves. In the short story, A swell Man Is Hard to Find, there are many characteristics that could be correct together to make up one ideal man, but distributively everyone has flaws. The main character of the story, the grandmother, is in search of a reliable man. She is incessantly quick to say someone is a good man earlier she knows anything about them.For example, when she meets Red S am he mentions to the family that he let some fellers charge their gas last week she instantly decides that he is a good man. Red Sam was caring, generous, and thoughtful, things that an ideal man should be. On the other hand, Red Sam was lazy and rude towards his wife, not a characteristic of an ideal man. When the grandmother meets the Misfit, even though she knows he is a criminal, she still calls him a good man. He is kind to her, but in the end he kills her because she knows too much.Flannery OConner wrote this short story to let the reader know that just because someone may seem like good man, it does not always mean that they are. Red Sam seemed kind and caring, but he was really just lazy and rude. The Misfit turned out to be a cold-hearted killer after seeming like he cared to stop and help the family on the side of the road. There are people that are in the world today who seem good, but are nowhere close to it. They can say whatever they want but their actions will speak for themselves. As all of these stories show, being an ideal man is near impossible.Many people possess qualities that would make up an ideal man, but never all the qualities needed. They can never possess all the qualities because every perspective of an ideal man is based on what the reader believes in. Pepe was not mature enough, Esteban was not remembered for what he actually did, and Red Sam and the Misfit appeared like good men, but were not even close. There will never be an ideal man living in society. The ideal man will only live on through the stories, movies, and imagination people create. The ideal man is all based around culture and belief.
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